How to Boost your Coding Skills ?
⭐ Set goals for yourself
✅ As a developer setting goals can increase productivity
🟡 Everyone has their own specific goals , I have a list of suggestion for you
- Create Website
- Look for a Job
- Work s a freelancer
- Try to get new knowledge everyday
- Try your best
- Achieve best financial health
- Work as hard as you can to achieve your goals after choosing them. You learn more as you practice more
- ' #Practice Makes Man Perfect '
- You can relate learning to code to playing sports because it require talent
- Try practicing coding everyday
- You will experienced improvements everyday if you start a habit and maintained it.
- Join conference and local meets
- Ask for feedbacks
- Tweet about your progress using #100DaysOfCode
- Try to build your own projects and explore it.
✅ Try to Enhance your learning strategy
Learning is an art, and some people are born with it, while the rest of the population has to work for it. As a programmer, you may become overwhelmed with similar problem-solving activities. As a result, engaging learning strategies such as flashcards, online quizzes, algorithmic puzzles, building innovative apps, and so on must be included. Allow yourself enough time to recall the notion rather than merely returning to notes. If you don’t enjoy coding, the concepts will weigh you down.
✅ Try to learn the code of other Developers
Before you consider yourself a master, see how a master develops code. Browse and examine GitHub repositories and Stackoverflow to discover how other developers have written their logics and form your own opinion on how to improve the code’s quality. This is how one learns to code.
✅ Write readable code
As Martin Fowler expressed it , “any idiot can create code that a machine can comprehend.” Good programmers produce code that is understandable by people.” A competent programmer should produce legible and intelligible code, such as –
- It will make debugging your code much easier.
- It will make it easy for other developers to comprehend your code.
✅ Complete Projects and Coding challenge
You can start with coding challenges from the following sites
- Hacker rank
- Code chef
- Hack earth
- GeeksforGeeks
- Leetcode
- Blogs
- Articles
- Github Code
- Books